PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
1173PokemonWhat Pokémon is unique to Route 199 and can only be found by fishing?PadawanAmy
1174PokemonWhat Pokémon requires you to turn your DS upside down to evolve?PadawanAmy
1175PokemonWhat type is the most common amog Legendary and Mythical Pokémon?PadawanAmy
1176Ratchet & ClankRatchet is from which planet?PadawanAmy
1177Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of the planet Ratchet grew up on?PadawanAmy
1178Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of Ratchets father?PadawanAmy
1179Ratchet & ClankWhat species is Ratchet?PadawanAmy
1180Ratchet & ClankWhat is Clanks full designation?PadawanAmy
1181Ratchet & ClankWho created Clank?PadawanAmy
1182Ratchet & ClankClank was created in a Blarg factory on what planet?PadawanAmy
1183Ratchet & ClankWho was the main villain of the first game?PadawanAmy
1184Ratchet & ClankWho was the Junior Caretaker of the Great Clock?PadawanAmy
1185Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of Dr Nefarious's butler?PadawanAmy
1186Ratchet & ClankWho was the leader of the Exterminators?PadawanAmy
1187Ratchet & ClankWhat was the name of Quarks Monkey friend?PadawanAmy