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Skittles's questions

ID Category Question Author
3203Name The SongMagic quarters, don't mess around, I'm crying to myself outside when the sun goes down, there isn't
anyone around, give my money to the water
3204Name The SongSuck a yellow dick bro, I choose you to DIE!Skittles
3205General KnowledgeWhere is Sara Bareilles from? Skittles
3206HistoryWhat year did the stonewall rebellion occur in?Skittles
3207General KnowledgeWhat is the base game desert world in The Sims 4?Skittles
3208General KnowledgeWhat is the final boss in The Sims 4:Strangerville?Skittles
3209General KnowledgeIn The Sims 4, what is Bella Goth's husband named?Skittles
3210General KnowledgeHow many units are in a mole?Skittles
3211General KnowledgeWhat is Tumblr user Gaud's full username?Skittles
3212General KnowledgeWhat is the second highest rated short film on letterboxd?Skittles
3213General Knowledge"The history of the entire world, I guess," was directed by whom?Skittles
3220Name The SongWhat does the bow tie, on the card guy, tell you 'bout his design?Skittles
3221Name The SongBut as you look to the horizon, not a cloud, but then stormy weather's caught you coldSkittles
3222Name The SongOoh, I took another risk, looking for a high and I let him get a hit Skittles
3223Name The SongI did it, I did, I jumped, I stepped right off that cliff without a parachuteSkittles