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Skittles's questions

ID Category Question Author
3224Name The SongSo if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them, show them you're all grown upSkittles
3225Name The SongDo you ever get a little bit tired of life? Like you're not happy but you don't wanna die?Skittles
3226Name The SongAm I the boy you dreamed of? Living in your subconscious?Skittles
3227Name The SongI said I loved you to death, so I must be dead.Skittles
3228General KnowledgeDo chickens have tear ducts?Skittles
3230Harry PotterWhat is professor quirrell's first name?Skittles
3365MinecraftHow do you avoid angry bees?Skittles
3366MinecraftWhat colour is Alex's shirt?Skittles
3367MinecraftWhat colour is Alex's hair?Skittles
3368MinecraftWhat boot enchantment turns water into ice?Skittles
3369MinecraftTrue or false: the Xbox 360 cannot run bedrock.Skittles
3370MinecraftHow many pixels across is a single minecraft block?Skittles
3371MinecraftHow many axolotl colours are there?Skittles
3372MinecraftHow do you release silverfish from infested blocks?Skittles
3373MinecraftWhat weapon do drowneds sometimes have?Skittles