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Skittles's questions

ID Category Question Author
3374MinecraftWhat weapon do nether skeletons have?Skittles
3375MinecraftTrue or false: Blazes can spawn naturallySkittles
3376MinecraftTrue or false: Mashed potatoes exist in vanilla minecraft.Skittles
3377MinecraftTrue or false: you can mine lapis lazuli with a stone pickaxeSkittles
3378MinecraftHow much iron does it take to craft a hopper?Skittles
3379MinecraftWhat mob do creepers run away from?Skittles
3380MinecraftWhat enchantment do you need to mine glass?Skittles
3381MinecraftWhat item is used to craft black dye?Skittles
3382MinecraftWhat item is used to craft brown dye?Skittles
3383MinecraftWhat item is used to craft white dye?Skittles
3384MinecraftWhat item is used to craft blue dye?Skittles
3385MinecraftWhich tree can grow diagonally without any connecting blocks?Skittles
3386MinecraftWhich tree is pink?Skittles
3387MinecraftTrue or false: you can smelt nether fungi logs in a furnace to get charcoal.Skittles
3388MinecraftWhat type of pickaxe do you need to obtain obsidian?Skittles