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Skittles's questions

ID Category Question Author
3460General KnowledgeWhat does the AR in AR-15 stand for?Skittles
3461General KnowledgeWhat does BPD stand for in psychology?Skittles
3462General KnowledgeWhat colour are Bernie Sanders' mittens in his iconic chair-sitting meme?Skittles
3463General KnowledgeWhat are the globs in a lava lamp made from?Skittles
3464General KnowledgeWhat is Jimmy Carter's middle name?Skittles
3465General KnowledgeWhat is Walter White's middle name?Skittles
3466General KnowledgeHow tall is Bigfoot?Skittles
3467General KnowledgeWhat does DQ stand for in the fast food industry?Skittles
3468General KnowledgeWhat colour are the question cards in Cards Against Humanity?Skittles
3469General KnowledgeWhat city are the Jaguars from? (football)Skittles
3470General KnowledgeWhat is the name of the most well-known long-haired cow?Skittles
3471General KnowledgeWho designed Pepe the Frog?Skittles
3472General KnowledgeWhich happiness chemical is triggered by day-to-day events?Skittles
3473General KnowledgeWhat chemical is in Epi-pens?Skittles
3474General KnowledgeNorepinephrine is related to which happiness chemical?Skittles