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Total Questions Most Active Author Level
105General Knowledge2

Titus's questions

ID Category Question Author
3337Star TrekWho was Chief Medical Officer on the Enterprise on Star Trek: The Original Series?Titus
3338Star TrekWhat class of ship was the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series?Titus
3339Star TrekWhat is James T. Kirk's middle name?Titus
3340Star TrekWhat color is a Vulcan's blood?Titus
3341Star TrekWho was the captain of the Enterprise D in Star Trek: The Next Generation?Titus
3342Star TrekWho played captain Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation?Titus
3343Star TrekWhat was the only Star Trek series to not be set on a starship?Titus
3344Star TrekBajorans wear what kind of jewelry as a religious symbol?Titus
3345Star TrekWho played captain Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager?Titus
3346Star TrekIn the first episode of Star Trek: Voyager, about how far did Voyager find itself from Earth?Titus
3347Star TrekThe 'Kolinahr' is a Vulcan ritual to purge a person of what?Titus
3348Star TrekWho is Captain Picard's first officer in Star Trek: The Next Generation?Titus
3349Star TrekWho is the Chief Medical Officer on the Enterprise D in Star Trek: The Next Generation?Titus
3350Star TrekWhat is the name of the android in Star Trek: The Next Generation?Titus
3351Star TrekIn Star Trek: The Next Generation, which character is blind and uses a visor to 'see'?Titus