Titus's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
105General Knowledge2

Titus's questions

ID Category Question Author
3352Star TrekIn Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, what is the name of the main changeling character?Titus
3353Star TrekWhich Star Trek race wrote "The Rules of Acquisition"?Titus
3354Star TrekWhat is the name of Spock's father?Titus
3355Star TrekWhat is the name of Spock's mother?Titus
3356Star TrekWhat is Data's twin brother's name?Titus
3357Star TrekWhat are the three shirt colors in Star Trek? Titus
3358Star TrekIn Star Trek: The Next Generation, what is the name of Data's cat?Titus
3359Star TrekSpock and Kirk like to play what board game together?Titus
3360Star TrekWhat is Captain Janeway's favorite drink?Titus
3361Star TrekWhat is Captain Picard's favorite drink?Titus
3362Star TrekWhat is Captain Sisko's favorite drink?Titus
3363Star TrekCaptain Janeway is from which US state?Titus
3364Star TrekCaptain Kirk is from which US state?Titus
3410Star TrekIn Star Trek: Enterprise, what is the name of the captain's beagle? Titus
3411Star TrekIn Star Trek: Enterprise, who captains the ship?Titus