Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
170General KnowledgeIn tennis whats the name of the point won directly with a serve?PadawanAmy
171General KnowledgeIn Harry Potter what animal does Sirius Black turn into?PadawanAmy
172General KnowledgeWhat is Sheldon Coopers catchprase?PadawanAmy
173General KnowledgeWhat is the name of the yellow Teletubby?PadawanAmy
174General KnowledgeWhat is the name of the first character you play as in Grand Theft Auto V?PadawanAmy
175General KnowledgeIn the song, Heartbreak Hotel is on which street?PadawanAmy
176General KnowledgeIn what Swiss city was the World Wide Web first developed?PadawanAmy
177General KnowledgeIn what tv series did Steve Urkel first appear?PadawanAmy
178General KnowledgeIn what ancient city did Alexander the Great die?PadawanAmy
179General KnowledgeIn what country was Osama Bin Laden found in 2011?PadawanAmy
180General KnowledgeIn what field sport is the winner the player who has the lowest score?PadawanAmy
181General KnowledgeIn what year was Prince Andrew born?PadawanAmy
182General KnowledgeIn what US state is Area 51 located?PadawanAmy
183General KnowledgeIn which movie does Arnold Schwarzeneggar go to Mars?PadawanAmy
184General KnowledgeIn which 1989 movie was the spaceship called Nostromo?PadawanAmy