Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
185General KnowledgeIn which European city can you visit the Louvre Museum?PadawanAmy
186General KnowledgeIn which US State would you find the city of Birmingham?PadawanAmy
187General KnowledgeIn which bay is Alcatraz located?PadawanAmy
188General KnowledgeIn which city was Martin Luther King assassinated?PadawanAmy
189General KnowledgeIn which country are the Sutherland Falls?PadawanAmy
190General KnowledgeIn which country would you find the Negev desert?PadawanAmy
191General KnowledgeIn which county is the UK prime minister's official country residence Chequers?PadawanAmy
192General KnowledgeIn which direction does the sun set?PadawanAmy
193General KnowledgeIn which ocean is Ascension Island?PadawanAmy
194General KnowledgeTahiti is in which ocean?PadawanAmy
195General KnowledgeIsabella Swan is the lead character in which vampire series?PadawanAmy
196General KnowledgeJames Augustus Hickey founded the first printed what in India in 1780?PadawanAmy
197General KnowledgeKola, Palm, Pecan and Betel are types of what?PadawanAmy
198General KnowledgeLake Mamry and Lake Drawsko are in which European country?PadawanAmy
199General KnowledgeLinus Torwalds invented and developed what?PadawanAmy