Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
366General KnowledgeWhat is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust?PadawanAmy
367General KnowledgeWhat is the most abundant element in the universe?PadawanAmy
368General KnowledgeWhat was Babe Ruth’s first name?PadawanAmy
369General KnowledgeWho was Sports Illustrated’s first female sportsperson of the year?PadawanAmy
370General KnowledgeRobin Williams won a best supporting actor Oscar for what film?PadawanAmy
371General KnowledgeWhat was the first Disney animated film based on the life of a real person?PadawanAmy
372General KnowledgeWhat character did Michael J. Fox play in ‘Back to the Future’?PadawanAmy
373General KnowledgeWhat was the predecessor to the United Nations?PadawanAmy
374General KnowledgeA flamboyance is a group of what animals?PadawanAmy
375General KnowledgeWhat color is a polar bear’s skin?PadawanAmy
376General KnowledgeWhat is the largest lizard?PadawanAmy
377General KnowledgeThe male of what species testicles explode on mating and then dies?PadawanAmy
378General KnowledgeEurope is separated from Africa by which sea?PadawanAmy
379General KnowledgeCanberra is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
380General KnowledgeWhich nuts are used to make marzipan?PadawanAmy