Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
396General KnowledgeIn what state was the first Wal-Mart opened?PadawanAmy
397General KnowledgeWhat does a seismologist study?PadawanAmy
398General KnowledgeWhere did Barack Obama teach constitutional law?PadawanAmy
399General KnowledgeWhich sea is located in Israel and Jordan?PadawanAmy
400General KnowledgeWhat are the bones in the fingers called?PadawanAmy
401General KnowledgeWhat company makes the Butterfinger bar?PadawanAmy
402General KnowledgeWhich character becomes Brienne’s squire in season 4 of “Game of Thrones”?PadawanAmy
403General KnowledgeWhat particle in an atom has a positive charge?PadawanAmy
404General KnowledgeWhat is the biggest artery in the human body?PadawanAmy
405General KnowledgeWhat is the name of Jordan’s capital city?PadawanAmy
406General KnowledgeWhat candy was used to lure E.T. in the 1982 movie “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestri-al”?PadawanAmy
407General KnowledgeThe tuba is the largest member of which musical family?PadawanAmy
408General KnowledgeWhich is the main substance used to make a crayon?PadawanAmy
409General KnowledgeThe video game “Happy Feet” features what animals?PadawanAmy
410General KnowledgeWhat actress won her first Oscar for “Kramer vs. Kramer”?PadawanAmy