Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
517General KnowledgeWhat is someone who shoes horses called?PadawanAmy
518General KnowledgeWhat year were the New York Mets founded?PadawanAmy
519General KnowledgeWho was the first New York Mets pitcher to throw a no-hitter?PadawanAmy
520General KnowledgeWhere does SpongeBob Squarepants work?PadawanAmy
524General KnowledgeWhat is the name of the scale used to rank the spiciness of chili peppers?Brainiac614
525General KnowledgeName the test given to newborns to assess their immediate health.Brainiac614
526General KnowledgeWhat nationality was Cleopatra?Brainiac614
527General KnowledgeWhat year was the last time the guillotine was used?Brainiac614
528General KnowledgeWhat animal kills the most people annualy?Brainiac614
529General KnowledgeWhat is a group of ravens called?Brainiac614
530General KnowledgeWhat is a group of crows called?Brainiac614
531General KnowledgeWhat animal has the highest blood pressure?Brainiac614
532General KnowledgeWhat does the acronym SCUBA stand for?Brainiac614
533General KnowledgeWhat is the most sold toy in history?Brainiac614
534General KnowledgeWhat is the name of the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and detonated?Brainiac614