Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1442The SimpsonsWhat are the names of Marges two sisters?PadawanAmy
1443The SimpsonsHow many Snowball the cat's has there been?PadawanAmy
1444The SimpsonsWhat year did The Simpsons Movie release?PadawanAmy
1445The SimpsonsWhat is Marge's maiden name?PadawanAmy
1446The SimpsonsWhat is Grandpa Simpsons first name?PadawanAmy
1447The SimpsonsWhat is Seymour Skinners true identity?PadawanAmy
1448The SimpsonsWhat street do The Simpsons live on?VampireRyan
1449The SimpsonsWhat are the names of Neds children?VampireRyan
1450The SimpsonsHow did Maude Flanders die?PadawanAmy
1451The SimpsonsWhat is Apu's surname?VampireRyan
1452The SimpsonsWho shot Mr. Burns?PadawanAmy
1453The SimpsonsWhat is Mr. Smither's first name?PadawanAmy
1454The SimpsonsThe Simpsons started out as a segment on which TV show?PadawanAmy
1455The SimpsonsWho is the creator of The Simpsons?PadawanAmy
1456The SimpsonsWho voices Homer Simpson?PadawanAmy