Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1457The SimpsonsWho voices Bart Simpson?PadawanAmy
1458The SimpsonsWho voices Lisa Simpson?PadawanAmy
1459The SimpsonsWho voices Marge Simpson?PadawanAmy
1460The SimpsonsWhats the name of the convinience store owned by Apu?VampireRyan
1461The SimpsonsWhat was Homer's snow plowing business called?PadawanAmy
1462The SimpsonsWhat was the name of the country singer that liked Homer?PadawanAmy
1463The SimpsonsWhat is the name of Radioactive Man's sidekick?PadawanAmy
1464The SimpsonsWho did Bart colab with to write Lisa's birthday song?PadawanAmy
1465The SimpsonsWhat celebrity are patty and Selma obsessed with?PadawanAmy
1466The SimpsonsWhat is Krusty the Clowns real name?PadawanAmy
1467The SimpsonsWhat is the name of the mouse in the cartoon watched by Bart & Lisa?PadawanAmy
1468The SimpsonsWhat is the name of the cat in the cartoon watched by Bart & Lisa?PadawanAmy
1469The SimpsonsWhat is Lisa's IQ?PadawanAmy
1470The SimpsonsWho did Marge go with to her high school’s senior prom?PadawanAmy
1471The SimpsonsWhat is the real name of Comic Book Guy?PadawanAmy