Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1532The SimpsonsWhat sector of the Springfield nuclear power plant does Homer Simpson work in?PadawanAmy
1533The SimpsonsWhich British chef appears in Marge's dream in the episode The Good Wife?PadawanAmy
1534The SimpsonsWhat time is shown on the clock in the classroom during Bart's chalkboard gag?PadawanAmy
1535The SimpsonsWho did Matt Groening voice?PadawanAmy
1536The SimpsonsWho was Bart’s best friend named after?PadawanAmy
1537The SimpsonsIn Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire what does Bart want for Christmas?PadawanAmy
1538The SimpsonsWhat is the name of the flame-haired exotic dancer that Homer first meets at a bachelor party?PadawanAmy
1539The SimpsonsWhat town do The Simpsons live in?PadawanAmy
1540The SimpsonsIn the episode Simpson Safari Homer eats a cracker from what decade?PadawanAmy
1541The SimpsonsWhat is Marge's middle name?PadawanAmy
1542The SimpsonsWho is Maggie's enemy?PadawanAmy
1543The SimpsonsWhat war did Grampa Simpson serve in?PadawanAmy
1544The SimpsonsWho did Meryl Streep voice on The Simpsons?PadawanAmy
1545The SimpsonsWhat tattoo did Bart get on the first Simpsons Christmas episode?PadawanAmy
1546The SimpsonsWhat do the Simpsons family go to New York City to get?PadawanAmy