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Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
644Assassins CreedPirates are the main focus of which Assassins Creed game?PadawanAmy
645Assassins CreedAssassins Creed Bloodline was released in which year?PadawanAmy
646Assassins CreedDesmond Miles is aided by holographic projections of which ancient ruler?PadawanAmy
647Assassins CreedIn Assassins Creed 2 when you leave Florence, who do you go to stay with at their villa?PadawanAmy
648Assassins CreedWhere is the apple located at the end of the game?PadawanAmy
649Assassins CreedWhat machine is used to go back in time in Assassins Creed?PadawanAmy
650Assassins CreedThe first Assassins Creed game is set in which region?PadawanAmy
651Assassins CreedWhat company develops the Assassins Creed games?PadawanAmy
652Assassins CreedWhat was young Ezio's girlfriend named in Assassins Creed II?PadawanAmy
653Assassins CreedWho was Altairs friend who turned against him?PadawanAmy
654Assassins CreedWho was Ezio's final target in Assassins Creed Brotherhood?PadawanAmy
655Assassins CreedHow old is Ezio when he is first seen in Assassins Creed II?PadawanAmy
656Assassins CreedRobert de Sable is plotting to kill which monarch of England?PadawanAmy
657Assassins CreedWho does Ezio wrongly kill in Assassin's Creed: Revelations?PadawanAmy
658Assassins CreedWho are the enemies of the Assassins?PadawanAmy