Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2023MinecraftWhat item do Slimes drop?PadawanAmy
2024MinecraftWhat mob likes to hide in stone blocks?PadawanAmy
2025MinecraftWhat job block causes a villager to become a Cleric?PadawanAmy
2026MinecraftWhat studio develops Minecraft?PadawanAmy
2027MinecraftWhat crafting material do you need to make a Thick Potion?PadawanAmy
2028MinecraftTo get the achievement Adventuring Time you must discover how many biomes?PadawanAmy
2029MinecraftApart from string what item is needed to craft a Lead?PadawanAmy
2030MinecraftWhich provides more armor points, Gold or Leather?PadawanAmy
2031MinecraftWhat do you wear to prevent angering an enderman when you look at it?PadawanAmy
2032MinecraftWhat boots enchantment can make walking faster in the Nether?PadawanAmy
2033MinecraftWhat year did Minecraft 1.15 release?PadawanAmy
2034MinecraftWhich update added Bees?PadawanAmy
2035MinecraftWhat is the most common amount of items you can fit in "a stack"?PadawanAmy
2036MinecraftThe Creeper was created by accident when notch was trying to make what mob?PadawanAmy
2037MinecraftHow much EXP does the Ender Dragon drop the first time you kill it?PadawanAmy