Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2038MinecraftWhich pickaxe has the highest base mining speed?PadawanAmy
2039MinecraftHow many glass panes would you get from 18 glass blocks?PadawanAmy
2040MinecraftEating a Pufferfish gives you Hunger, Poison and what other effect?PadawanAmy
2041MinecraftIn what year was Minecraft Bedrock edition originally released on Mobile devices?PadawanAmy
2042MinecraftHaving every potion effect applied at the same time grants what advancement?PadawanAmy
2336MinecraftHow many Obsidian is needed to craft an Enchantment Table?PadawanAmy
3365MinecraftHow do you avoid angry bees?Skittles
3366MinecraftWhat colour is Alex's shirt?Skittles
3367MinecraftWhat colour is Alex's hair?Skittles
3368MinecraftWhat boot enchantment turns water into ice?Skittles
3369MinecraftTrue or false: the Xbox 360 cannot run bedrock.Skittles
3370MinecraftHow many pixels across is a single minecraft block?Skittles
3371MinecraftHow many axolotl colours are there?Skittles
3372MinecraftHow do you release silverfish from infested blocks?Skittles
3373MinecraftWhat weapon do drowneds sometimes have?Skittles