Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1191Ratchet & ClankWhat, or who, tries to destroy the Bogon Galaxy?PadawanAmy
1192Ratchet & ClankWhat is the term used for organic life-forms by Dr. Nefarious and his cronies?PadawanAmy
1193Ratchet & ClankWhat's the name of the mayor of the Zarkov Sector who can be heard in Weeblesnog City making various
1194Ratchet & ClankWhich festive tune does the Winterizer play when used?PadawanAmy
1195Ratchet & ClankWhat do the Nether Blades change into once they reach Level 3?PadawanAmy
1196Ratchet & ClankWho was responsible for motivating Stuart Zurgo to becoming an evil supervillain?PadawanAmy
1197Ratchet & ClankWhat is Captain Quarks full name?PadawanAmy
1198Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of the city on Kerwan?PadawanAmy
1199Ratchet & ClankWhat upgrade does Al give to Clank?PadawanAmy
2337Ratchet & ClankHow many Gold Bolts are there in the original Ratchet & Clank?PadawanAmy
2338Ratchet & ClankHow many Sewer Crystals are there to find in Ratchet & Clank 3?PadawanAmy
2355Ratchet & ClankWhat sport is Skidd McMarx a champion of?PadawanAmy
2389Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of Dr Nefarious's butler?PadawanAmy
2390Ratchet & ClankWhat year was the first Ratchet and Clank game released?PadawanAmy
2391Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of the most powerful weapons in the games?PadawanAmy