Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2407Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of the girl you rescue at the beginning of Size Matters?PadawanAmy
2408Ratchet & ClankWho or What guards the Meero Orphanage on planet Yerek?PadawanAmy
2409Ratchet & ClankWhat festive tune does the Winterize play when used?PadawanAmy
2410Ratchet & ClankWhat is used as the Hub area of Ratchet & Clank Q-Force?PadawanAmy
2411Ratchet & ClankIn QForce the Transmorpher Mine will change enemies into what creature?PadawanAmy
2412Ratchet & ClankIn QForce what is GrummelNet harvesting on Proteus VII?PadawanAmy
2413Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of the Qwark fan-boy from Ratchet & Clank 2?PadawanAmy
2414Ratchet & ClankWhat former Insomniac Games employee has a cameo in almost every Ratchet & Clank game?PadawanAmy
2415Ratchet & ClankWhat was the first Ratchet & Clank game to release on PS3?PadawanAmy
2416Ratchet & ClankHow many Trophies are in the Trophy Room in Ratchet & Clank 3?PadawanAmy
2417Ratchet & ClankIn what game does Ratchet have to make his own Wrench rather than using an Omniwrench?PadawanAmy
2418Ratchet & ClankWhat did Clank hide Ratchets weapons in when smuggling them into prison?PadawanAmy
2419Ratchet & ClankName one of the 2 Dreadzone BroadcastersPadawanAmy
2420Ratchet & ClankWho sold illegal ship mods in the Bogon Galaxy?PadawanAmy
2421Ratchet & ClankHow many eyes does Skrunch the monkey have?PadawanAmy