Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
660BaseballIn what city are the White Sox based?PadawanAmy
661BaseballWhat team lost a record 119 games in 2003?PadawanAmy
662BaseballHow many times have the Baltimore Orioles won the baseball world series title?PadawanAmy
663BaseballWhat is the nickname of the baseball team based in Seattle?PadawanAmy
664BaseballAt what stadium do the Boston Red Sox play?PadawanAmy
665BaseballHow many 50 home run seasons did Barry Bonds have in his career?PadawanAmy
666BaseballBaseball player Mike Lowell began his career with which team?PadawanAmy
667BaseballWhat team won 114 games in 1998?PadawanAmy
668BaseballWhat is the main colours of baseball team the Orioles?PadawanAmy
669BaseballBaseball legend Barry Bonds made his debut with which team?PadawanAmy
670BaseballWhat position did Babe Ruth begin his career playing?PadawanAmy
671BaseballHow many players are on a Baseball team?PadawanAmy
672BaseballWhich Met was the first player in Major League history to be traded for himself?PadawanAmy
673BaseballWho played second base in 1962 for 85 games?PadawanAmy
674BaseballWhat team plays at Citi Field?PadawanAmy