Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2915BaseballWho is the only pitcher to win three Major League World Series in three different decades?Arkyst
2916BaseballHow many home runs did Ken Griffey Jr. hit?Arkyst
2917BaseballHow many home runs did Barry Bonds hit?Arkyst
2918BaseballWho was the first player to win the Cy Young Award in consecutive seasons?Arkyst
2919BaseballWhat year was the first all star game played?Arkyst
2920BaseballWhat is Babe Ruth's full name?Arkyst
2921BaseballWho was the first African American player inducted into the Hall of Fame who had not played in the Negro
2922BaseballOf the sluggers with more than 600 career home runs, who is the only one to never win an MVP award?Arkyst