Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
675BaseballThe New York Mets played their first season in 1962 in which stadium?PadawanAmy
676BaseballIn what year were the Boston Red Sox formed?PadawanAmy
677BaseballWhat were the LA Dodgers previously known as?PadawanAmy
678BaseballWhat is the nickname of the baseball team based in the US city of Milwaukee?PadawanAmy
679BaseballLiverpool football club owner John Henry also owners which US baseball team?PadawanAmy
680BaseballWhat is the circumference of a baseball?PadawanAmy
681BaseballIn what year did Joe DiMaggio die?PadawanAmy
682BaseballWhat is the name of the Cleveland Guardians mascot?PadawanAmy
683BaseballThe baseball team The Detroit Tigers player their home games at which stadium?PadawanAmy
684BaseballWhat is the nickname of the baseball team based in the US city of St. Louis?PadawanAmy
685BaseballWhat team is based in Tampa Bay?PadawanAmy
686BaseballWhat country's first US Major League Baseball player was Chan Ho Park?PadawanAmy
687BaseballIn 1906 the Chicago Cubs won a record breaking wins, how many?PadawanAmy
688BaseballWhich Chicago Cub player won the Rookie of the year award in 2008?PadawanAmy
689BaseballWho is the first player to win the All-Star MVP and World Series MVP in the same season?PadawanAmy