Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2113BaseballWho won the 2022 American League MVP award after hitting an AL record 62 home runs?Arkyst
2114BaseballWhat is the term for the dubious feat of striking out four times in a game?Arkyst
2115BaseballWhat position is commonly known as the "hot corner?"Arkyst
2116BaseballA batter with a batting average below .200 is said to be below what?Arkyst
2117BaseballWhat does the scorecard note "BB" stand for?Arkyst
2118BaseballWhat is the name for a play that gets 2 players out?Arkyst
2119BaseballHow many hits did Pete Rose retire with?Arkyst
2120BaseballHow many umpires are in a World Series game?Arkyst
2121BaseballHow many times have the Baltimore Orioles won the World Series?Arkyst
2122BaseballWhat historic ballpark do the Red Sox play in?Arkyst
2123BaseballThe giant 37 foot left field wall at Fenway Park is known as what scary nickname?Arkyst
2124BaseballWrigley Field was built in 1914 for what team?Arkyst
2125BaseballThe Mets shared what multipurpose stadium with the New York Jets football team?Arkyst
2126BaseballWhat is the term for a pitcher recording 27 outs in a row without allowing any baserunners?Arkyst
2127BaseballWho is the Mets mascot?Arkyst