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Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2790Star WarsWhat is the name of the Toydarian who owned Anakin and his mother?PadawanAmy
2791Star WarsTo the nearest hundred how old was Yoda when he died?PadawanAmy
2792Star WarsWho killed Han Solo?PadawanAmy
2793Star WarsWhat is the name of the Death Star’s original commander?PadawanAmy
2794Star WarsWhat is the creature that lives in the garbage compactor of the original Death Star called?PadawanAmy
2795Star WarsWhich planet did Luke Skywalker go for his self-imposed exile?PadawanAmy
2796Star WarsWho is Luke and Leia's mother?PadawanAmy
2797Star WarsWhat is Palpatines Sith name?PadawanAmy
2798Star WarsWhich bounty hunter catches Han Solo?PadawanAmy
2799Star WarsWho was Dooku's padawan?PadawanAmy
2800Star WarsAt what age did Padme become queen of naboo?PadawanAmy
2801Star WarsWhat jedi master ordered the creation of the Clone Army?PadawanAmy
2802Star WarsWhat crystal powers a lightsaber?PadawanAmy
2803Star WarsWhat species is Jabba?PadawanAmy
2804Star WarsHow many engines does an X-Wing fighter have?PadawanAmy