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Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1345Star WarsWhere was Echo captured by The Seperatists?PadawanAmy
1346Star WarsWhat planet had the king Katuunko?PadawanAmy
1347Star WarsWhat was Captain Rex in command of?PadawanAmy
1348Star WarsWho is Anakin Skywalkers padawan?PadawanAmy
1350Star WarsCan you name the Rodian Bounty Hunter who confronts Han Solo about his overdue payment to Jabba?PadawanAmy
1351Star WarsCan you name the company that manufactures the Z-6 Jetpack commonly associated with Mandalorian culture?PadawanAmy
1352Star WarsCan you name the leader of the Onderon Resistance against the newly formed Empire?PadawanAmy
1353Star WarsHow fast did the Millennium Falcon do the Kessel Run?PadawanAmy
1354Star WarsHow many Inquisitors are after The Rebels in the 2nd season of Star Wars Rebels?PadawanAmy
1355Star WarsHow many TIE Fighters pursue the Millenium Falcon during its escape from the first Death Star?PadawanAmy
1356Star WarsWhat colour is a Jedi Temple Guard's Lightsaber?PadawanAmy
1357Star WarsHow many clones were ready when Obi Wan Kenobi went to Kamino?PadawanAmy
1358Star WarsHow many limbs did Luke Skywalker lose?PadawanAmy
1359Star WarsWhat is Finn's stormtrooper ID?PadawanAmy
1360Star WarsThe first article of the Resol'nare of the Mandalorian Codex requires warriors to wear what?PadawanAmy