Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1990European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Montenegro?Valerie
1991European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Albania?Valerie
1992European CapitalsBelgrade is the capital of what?Valerie
1993European CapitalsBucharest is the capital of what?Valerie
1994European CapitalsSkopje is the capital of what?Valerie
1995European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Kosovo?Valerie
1996European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina?Valerie
1997European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Croatia?Valerie
1998European CapitalsLjublijana is the capital of what country?Valerie
1999European CapitalsBudapest is the capital of what country?Valerie
2000European CapitalsWhat is the capital of SlovakiaValerie
2001European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Poland?Valerie
2002European CapitalsRiga is the capital of what?Valerie
2003European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Estonia?Valerie
2004European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Lithuania?Valerie