Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2005European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Finland?Valerie
2006European CapitalsStockholm is the capital of what?Valerie
2007European CapitalsOslo is the capital of what?Valerie
2008European CapitalsCopenhagen is the capital of what?Valerie
2009European CapitalsChisinau is the capital of what?Valerie
2010European CapitalsWhat is the capital of the UK?Valerie
2011European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Ireland?Valerie
2012European CapitalsThe Hague and Amsterdam are the capitals of which country?Valerie
2013European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Belgium?Valerie
2014European CapitalsValletta is the capital of what island?Valerie