Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2735MathematicsWhat is the sum of the interior angles of a triangle? Give in degrees. Enemagneto
2736MathematicsHow many degrees are in a right angle?Enemagneto
2737MathematicsIf a rectangle has a length of 10 units and a width of 4 units, what is its area?Enemagneto
2738MathematicsHow many centimetres are in a metre?Enemagneto
2739MathematicsIf a square has a side length of 6 units, what is its perimeter? Enemagneto
2740MathematicsWhat is the sum of the interior angles of a triangle? Give in radians. Enemagneto
2741MathematicsHow many sides does a decagon have?Enemagneto
2742MathematicsWhat is the name of the symbol '÷' ? Enemagneto
2743MathematicsWhat's the actual name for Infinity symbol '∞' ? Enemagneto
2744MathematicsWhich English mathematician invented the common infinity symbol '∞' in 1655? Enemagneto
2745MathematicsTrue or False: The proof for the Chinese Remainder Theorem used in Number Theory was NOT developed by its
first publisher, Sun Tzu.
2746MathematicsWhat is the name for the symbol '√ ', commonly termed Square-root? Enemagneto
2747MathematicsWhat is a number, that can be expressed as the sum of two positive cubes in two different ways, called ?Enemagneto
2748MathematicsWhat is the value of the golden ratio, often represented by the Greek letter phi (Φ)? Give at least up
to two decimals.
2749MathematicsWhat is the value of the imaginary unit i raised to the power of 4?Enemagneto