Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1072PixarIn WALL-E what does EVE stand for?PadawanAmy
1073PixarWhat toy puzzle did WALL-E show to EVE?PadawanAmy
1074PixarWhat is the designation on the large trash compactors aboard the Axiom, which almost crush WALL-E?PadawanAmy
1075PixarWhat can be seen in the background of the pictures of all the Axioms captains?PadawanAmy
1076PixarWhat is the name of the couple on the Axiom who meet, thanks to WALL-E?PadawanAmy
1077PixarWhen the Axiom returned to Earth, WALL-E was damaged and out of power. Where did WALL-E get his energy
1078PixarIn UP! What do the dogs call Russell?PadawanAmy
1079PixarIn UP! What job did Carl Fredricksen have before he retired?PadawanAmy
1080PixarWhat is the name of the explorer in UP!?PadawanAmy
1081PixarIn UP! What does Russell name the giant bird?PadawanAmy
1082PixarIn UP! What badge is Russell missing?PadawanAmy
1083PixarIn UP! Which dog has the malfunctioning translator?PadawanAmy
1084PixarIn UP! What is the name of Charles Muntz's blimp?PadawanAmy
1085PixarWhat sport is Merida's favourite in Brave?PadawanAmy
1086PixarIn Brave how many siblings did Merida have?PadawanAmy