Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1087PixarWhich clan won the contest for Merida's hand in marriage in Brave?PadawanAmy
1088PixarWhat animal did the witch/woodcarver's spell turn Merida's mother, Elinor, into in Brave?PadawanAmy
1089PixarWhat is the name of the little girl from Inside Out?PadawanAmy
1090PixarWhen Riley was born in Inside Out what was the first emotion to appear?PadawanAmy
1091PixarWhat city does Inside Out take place in?PadawanAmy
1092PixarWhat state did Riley and her family move from in Inside Out?PadawanAmy
1093PixarIn Inside Out which of Rileys Islands of Personailty was the first to crumble?PadawanAmy
1094PixarIn Inside Out what is Rileys favourite sport?PadawanAmy
1095PixarWhat is the name of the pink elephant in Inside Out?PadawanAmy
1096PixarIn Inside Out What is the product being marketed by the annoying commercial that Riley will never forget?PadawanAmy
1097PixarIn Inside Out In Imagination Land, Joy and Sadness met the young girl's imaginary boyfriend. Where did
her imaginary boyfriend say he lived?
2339PixarWhat do Luca’s people call the humans at the beginning of the movie?PadawanAmy
2340PixarWhat did Luca name the rock statue he left in charge of the fish?PadawanAmy
2342PixarIn Luca who is the reigning champion of the Portorosso Cup?PadawanAmy
2344PixarIn Luca what is the Nickname Ercole gives Giulia?PadawanAmy