Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2440Ratchet & ClankWho is the leader of the Cragmites?PadawanAmy
2441Ratchet & ClankWhat species raised Tachyon?PadawanAmy
2442Ratchet & ClankWhat species were the main enemies along side the Space Pirates in Tools of Destruction?PadawanAmy
2443Ratchet & ClankWhat rare mineral is often used to upgrade weapons and ships?PadawanAmy
2444Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of the infinite runner mobile game?PadawanAmy
2445Ratchet & ClankWhat is Captain Darkwaters first name?PadawanAmy
2446Ratchet & ClankWhat gift did Orvus give to Captain Darkwater?PadawanAmy
2447Ratchet & ClankWho is the leader of the Zoni?PadawanAmy
2448Ratchet & ClankWho voices Ratchet?PadawanAmy
2449Ratchet & ClankWho voiced Victor Von Ion in the Ratchet & Clank movie?PadawanAmy
2450Ratchet & ClankAxiom City is located on what planet?PadawanAmy
2451Ratchet & ClankFor how many years was Terachnos voted the weakest planet in the universe?PadawanAmy
2452Ratchet & ClankHow many brains does Pollyx have?PadawanAmy
2453Ratchet & ClankWhat device was created by the Lombaxes to travel to other dimensions?PadawanAmy
2454Ratchet & ClankWhat is Vendra and Neftins surname?PadawanAmy