Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2988HistoryBetween which two countries was the Hundred Years War fought?Enemagneto
2989HistoryWhich Roman Emperor built a massive wall across Northern Britain in 122 A.D.?Enemagneto
2990HistoryWho made history as the first man to walk on the moon on 20th July, 1969? Enemagneto
2991HistoryThis theologist wrote an academic disputation called 'Ninety-five Theses' which launched the Protestant
2992HistoryThe Khmer Rouge was a regime in this nation in the 20th century. Which nation? Enemagneto
2993HistoryWhat famous 5th century A.D conqueror was known as 'The Scourge of God?'Enemagneto
2994HistoryWhat famous rifle is known in America as 'The Gun that Won the West?' Enemagneto
2995HistoryWho was the first Western explorer to reach China?Enemagneto
2996HistoryIn what country did the Fascist movement start in 1919?Enemagneto
2997HistoryWhich city did Rome fight against in the Punic Wars?Enemagneto
2998HistoryWhat chemical weapon used in WWI got its name from the yellow-brown appearance?Enemagneto
2999HistoryWho supposedly fiddled while Rome burned (but actually didn't)?Enemagneto
3000HistoryWhat epic poem is thought to be the oldest in the English language?Enemagneto
3001HistoryWhat ancient empire was led by Xerxes, Cyrus, and Darius?Enemagneto
3002HistoryIn what war was Washington D.C. burned?Enemagneto