Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
587African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Uganda?PadawanAmy
588African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Zambia?PadawanAmy
589African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Zimbabwe?PadawanAmy
590African CapitalsAlgiers is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
591African CapitalsLuanda is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
592African CapitalsPorto-Novo is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
593African CapitalsGaborone is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
594African CapitalsOuagadougou is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
595African CapitalsBujambura is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
596African CapitalsYaounde is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
597African CapitalsPraia is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
598African CapitalsBangui is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
599African CapitalsN'Djamena is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
600African CapitalsMaroni is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
601African CapitalsBrazzaville is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy