Game Round Details

Topic: Minecraft
Started: 16:32:58 14/10/24 (UTC)
Question Answered By
1 What do you wear to prevent angering an enderman when you look at it? Nobody
2 True or false: Saddles are craftable StardustSailor
3 What is tha name of the firey dimension you can travel to? StardustSailor
4 How many Obsidian is needed to craft an Enchantment Table? StardustSailor
5 What item is used to craft blue dye? StardustSailor
6 Having every potion effect applied at the same time grants what advancement? Nobody
7 How much wool is needed to craft a Bed? Unknown User
8 What item is required to make every type of potion? Nobody
9 What type of villager spawns with llamas? Nobody
10 What is the name of the unbreakable block at the bottom of the world? Unknown User