Game Round Details

Topic: General Knowledge
Started: 09:34:40 12/10/24 (UTC)
Question Answered By
1 A red giant star typically evolves when its central hydrogen has converted to what gas? Unknown User
2 Who is the Greek God of the Sun? Unknown User
3 What branch of science is often referred to as 'the central science'? Unknown User
4 What chemical is in Epi-pens? Nobody
5 Acrophobia is a fear of what? Nobody
6 How many moons does Mars have? Unknown User
7 Which singer was known, amongst other things, as 'The King of Pop'? Unknown User
8 In a bingo game, which number is represented by the phrase “two little ducks”? Unknown User
9 Fraser Island belongs to what country? Unknown User
10 What was the original name of the Big Mac? Nobody