Game Round Details

Topic: History General
Started: 14:35:32 06/10/24 (UTC)
Question Answered By
1 This military attack took place on December 7, 1941 which also caused USA to join the World War 2. Cupryte
2 Which country did Albert Einstein live in before moving to the United States? Unknown User
3 Although he became the dictator of Germany, which country was Hitler born in? Unknown User
4 What sport was played during the Christmas turkey in ww1 Amy
5 In what war was Washington D.C. burned? Nobody
6 What epic poem is thought to be the oldest in the English language? Nobody
7 Which German inventor and craftsman developed first successful printing press in 15th century? Nobody
8 The War of 1812 was majorly fought between United States and which other country ? Nobody
9 What famous train once ran between Paris and Istanbul? Nobody
10 In which country was the Battle of Hastings fought in 1066? Nobody