Game Round Details

Topic: General Knowledge
Started: 04:34:38 03/10/24 (UTC)
Question Answered By
1 In what state did the first official American baseball game take place? Nobody
2 Gotham City is associated with which superhero? Unknown User
3 Fissures, vents, and plugs are all associated with which geological feature? Nobody
4 What grows from an acorn? Nobody
5 What species is Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog? Unknown User
6 Kratos is the main character of what video game series? Nobody
7 Which actress keeps her Oscar in her bathroom so guests can hold it and make speeches in the mirror shame-free? Nobody
8 Which common fruit is slightly radioactive? Nobody
9 What are seashells made of? Nobody
10 What shape is tiled and repeated inside of beehives to store honey? Unknown User