Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
3006HistoryWhen was the “Boxer Rebellion“ in China? Cliftones
3007HistoryThe Opium war was a battle between which two countries England and?Cliftones
3008HistoryWho painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?Enemagneto
3009HistoryWhich country did Albert Einstein live in before moving to the United States?Cliftones
3010HistoryMao Tse-tung is also known as the Little what?Cliftones
3011HistoryWhat famous person from the us was shot outside the Hilton Hotel in Washington on March 30th, 1981?Cliftones
3012HistoryWhat country was historically known as Abyssinia?Enemagneto
3013HistoryWho is widely considered to he the first to climb to the top of Mount everest?Cliftones
3014HistoryIn what empire were Armenians the victims of genocide in 1915-1917?Enemagneto
3015HistoryWhich war took place between 1950 and 1953?Cliftones
3016HistoryWhat country was previously known as Siam?Enemagneto
3017HistoryWhat famous train once ran between Paris and Istanbul? Enemagneto
3018HistoryWhen was the statue of liberty installed in America?Cliftones
3019HistoryWhat group threw tea of the ship in the Boston tea party?Cliftones
3020HistoryWhat country did Germany try to telegraph to attack America in ww1?Cliftones