Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2075BaseballWhat city were the Athletics founded in?Arkyst
2076BaseballWho is the only current team to never play in the World Series?Arkyst
2077BaseballWho was the first MLB team in Canada?Arkyst
2078BaseballThe second incarnation of the Washington Senators didn't last long, only staying 10 years beore
relocating and becoming what team?
2079BaseballWho was the 2022 World Series MVP?Arkyst
2080BaseballWho was the last team to win back to back World Series?Arkyst
2081BaseballWhat team was once known as the Boston Beaneaters?Arkyst
2082BaseballWhat team was once known as the Brooklyn Bridegrooms?Arkyst
2083BaseballWhat team won the World Series in 2021?Arkyst
2084BaseballThe Yankees have a historic rivarly with what team?Arkyst
2085BaseballWhat team won the World Series in 1986?Arkyst
2086BaseballWhat is the term for when a player hits a single, double, triple, and home run in the same game?Arkyst
2087BaseballWhat player has hit the most career home runs, but is also accused of using steroids to do so?Arkyst
2088BaseballWhat star player was banned from the Hall of Fame for betting on baseball?Arkyst
2089BaseballThis player has amassed the most career hits of any professional baseball player, splitting time between
Japan and MLB.