Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1970FuturamaWhat planet does Santa live on?PadawanAmy
1971FuturamaWhat is the second most frequently used word by Bender?PadawanAmy
1972FuturamaWhat colour is Fry's walking ashtray?PadawanAmy
1973FuturamaWhat is Elzar's favorite cooking tool?PadawanAmy
1974FuturamaWhat is the name of Farnsworth's scientific enemy?PadawanAmy
1975European CapitalsParis is the capital of what?Valerie
1976European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Switzerland?Valerie
1977European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Liechtenstein?Valerie
1978European CapitalsBerlin is the capital of which country?Valerie
1979European CapitalsLuxembourg is the capital of what nation?Valerie
1980European CapitalsThe capital of Monaco is what?Valerie
1981European CapitalsAndorra la Vella is the capital of what micronation?Valerie
1982European CapitalsWhat is the capital of Spain?Valerie
1983European CapitalsWhat is the capital of PortugalValerie
1984European CapitalsRome is the capital of what country?Valerie