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Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1895Inside JobWhat was ROBOTUS created for?Valerie
1896Inside JobWhat TV show is Alpha-Beta a fan of?Valerie
1897Inside JobWhat decade was Cognito Inc founded?Valerie
1898Inside JobWhich university is the Reptoid capital under?Valerie
1899Inside JobWhat is the name of the group who has secretly controlled the world since the dawn of time?Valerie
1900Inside JobWhat killed Elliot Mothman's father?Valerie
1901Inside JobWhat is Elliot Mothman addicted to?Valerie
1902Inside JobMyc Cellium has what special ability?Valerie
1903Inside JobMyc's tenticles are all what?Valerie
1904Inside JobWhat is Andre's job?Valerie
1905Inside JobWhat language can Andre speak?Valerie
1906Inside JobWhat is the Shadow Boards secret project?Valerie
1907Inside JobWhat town did Ron Staedtlermove to?Valerie
1908Inside JobAccording to Alpha-Beta, dogs will evolve and overthrow humanity if who is not killed soon?Valerie
1909Inside JobWhere does Cthulu live?Valerie