Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1940FuturamaWhat is the name of the Single Female Lawyer?PadawanAmy
1941FuturamaWhat was the name of the first episode of Futurama?PadawanAmy
1942FuturamaWhat is the name of the soap opera featuring Calculon?PadawanAmy
1943FuturamaIn which episode did Kwanzaabot first appear?PadawanAmy
1944FuturamaWhat was Fry named after?PadawanAmy
1945FuturamaWhat does Professor Farnsworth say is strange about Zoidberg in the second episode?PadawanAmy
1946FuturamaWhat rank is the bureaucrat that runs Cookieville Minimum Security Orphanarium?PadawanAmy
1947FuturamaWhat do most folks call Fry?PadawanAmy
1948FuturamaWhat does Fry eat that gives him parasites?PadawanAmy
1949FuturamaHow much did Fry pay for Ted Danson's skeleton?PadawanAmy
1950FuturamaIn what year was Fry born?PadawanAmy
1951FuturamaWhere did Fry meet Bender?PadawanAmy
1952FuturamaWhat was the name of Fry's brother?PadawanAmy
1953FuturamaWhat does Dr Zoidberg trade all his Planet Express Stock for?PadawanAmy
1954FuturamaWho was the real ruler of AmazoniaPadawanAmy