Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1910Inside JobWhat is the name of the yearly festival celebrated by the socities who control the world?Valerie
1911Inside JobThe Juggalos are fans of what hip hop group?Valerie
1912Inside JobWho was Rands former business partner?Valerie
1913Inside JobWho was JFK killed by?Valerie
1914FuturamaWhat year was Fry frozen?PadawanAmy
1915FuturamaWhat is the name of Professor Farnsworth's clone?PadawanAmy
1916FuturamaWhat is the name of Fry's dog?PadawanAmy
1917FuturamaWhat is the name of the arcade game Fry plays in the first episodePadawanAmy
1918FuturamaWhat planet is Dr Zoidberg from?PadawanAmy
1919FuturamaWhich caracters poop is used as fuel for the Planet Express Ship?PadawanAmy
1920FuturamaWho is the mother of Kifs children?PadawanAmy
1921FuturamaWho is the Planet Express ship's cook?PadawanAmy
1922FuturamaWhat is Zoidbergs first name?PadawanAmy
1923FuturamaWhat is Bender's full name?PadawanAmy
1924FuturamaWho caused Fry to become frozen?PadawanAmy