Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2837Name The SongJack Flash sat on a candlestick 'Cause fire is the devil's only friendPadawanAmy
2838Name The SongCharades, pop skill, Water hyacinth, named by a poetPadawanAmy
2839Name The SongHunting the horny back toadPadawanAmy
2840MathematicsWhat is the set of counting numbers, i.e. {1,2,3,4,5,...}, called in mathematics which is denoted by ℕ
2841MathematicsWhat is the set of natural numbers called when zero is included to it? Enemagneto
2842MathematicsWhat is the set of all numbers {... ,-2,-1,0,1,2,3, ...} called which is represented by ℤ ?Enemagneto
2843MathematicsA number which can be written in form of p/q, where p and q are co-prime integers, is called
______________ number.
2844MathematicsTrue or False: Rational numbers have non-terminating and non-recurring decimal form. Enemagneto
2845MathematicsWhat is a number which can't be written in form of p/q, where p and q are co-prime integers, called ? Enemagneto
2846MathematicsTrue or False: A number whose decimal form is non-terminating but recurring is an irrational number. Enemagneto
2847MathematicsIf a number is even, it must be divisible by which number? Enemagneto
2848MathematicsTrue or False: If a number can be written in form of 2n+1, where n is an integer, it will always be an
odd number.
2849MathematicsWhat is the only number that does not have its Roman numeral? Enemagneto
2850MathematicsAn Icosahedron has how many faces/sides? Enemagneto
2851MathematicsOn the Short Scale, what is the term for 1000 millions? Enemagneto