Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2852MathematicsOn the Short Scale, what is the term for 1000 billions? Enemagneto
2853MathematicsOn the Short Scale, what is the term for 1000 trillions? Enemagneto
2854MathematicsWhat is the name of an angle of more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees? Enemagneto
2855MathematicsWhen is Pi Day celebrated? Hint: Think of its value(3.14)Enemagneto
2856MathematicsWhich important mathematical sign was invented by Robert Recorde, the Royal Court Physician for England's
King Edward VI and Queen Mary?
2857MathematicsHow many sides does an “enneadecagon” have? Enemagneto
2858MathematicsItalian mathematician Fibonacci who is credited with introducing decimal system to Europe used the term
"zephyrum" for what number?
2859MathematicsApart from one, I am the first positive number that is both a square and a cube. Which number am I? Enemagneto
2860MathematicsWhat is the name of the number system that has a base of two? Enemagneto
2861MathematicsWhat is 20 to the power of 0? Enemagneto
2862MathematicsCalculus is a latin word. What does it translates to in english? Enemagneto
2863MathematicsWhat is the smallest perfect number? Hint: A perfect number is equal to sum of its proper divisors. Enemagneto
2864MathematicsHow many cupcakes are in a baker’s dozen?Enemagneto
2865MathematicsWhat is the top number of a fraction called?Enemagneto
2866MathematicsWhat is the bottom number of a fraction called?Enemagneto