Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
3183General KnowledgeWhat is the capital of Azerbaijan?Titus
3184General KnowledgeWhich country has the capital city of Tegucigalpa?Titus
3185General KnowledgeWhich country has the capital city of Windhoek?Titus
3186General KnowledgeHow many capital cities does South Africa have?Titus
3187General KnowledgeWhat are the only two countries that share a border with Bhutan?Titus
3188General KnowledgeWhat is Keanu Reeves' middle name?Skittles
3189General KnowledgeWhat is another name for the chemical Norepinephrine?Skittles
3190General KnowledgeWhat is the alternate name for John Wick: Chapter 3?Skittles
3191General KnowledgeWhat is the name for the fear of vomit?Skittles
3192General KnowledgeWhat is the fear of the ocean called?Skittles
3193General KnowledgeWhat is the word 'vielle' translated into English? Skittles
3194General KnowledgeWhat chemical makes glow in the dark stickers glow?Skittles
3195General KnowledgeWhat colour is hexcode #ffffff?Skittles
3196General KnowledgeHow many chevrons are on the Intersex-Progress Pride flag?Skittles
3197General KnowledgeWhat is the official name for ice magic?Skittles