Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
3228General KnowledgeDo chickens have tear ducts?Skittles
3229General KnowledgeName one of Santa's reindeer that isn't Rudolph.PadawanAmy
3230Harry PotterWhat is professor quirrell's first name?Skittles
3231TestingWhat is the answer?PadawanAmy
3232General KnowledgeWhat is the first name of Kramer from Seinfeld?PadawanAmy
3233General KnowledgeHow many ribs does the average person have?PadawanAmy
3234General KnowledgeIn what country was the company Rolex founded?PadawanAmy
3235General KnowledgeIn what country is the worlds largest pyramid by volume?PadawanAmy
3236General KnowledgeWhat is the largest desert in the world?PadawanAmy
3237General KnowledgeWhat does a Milliner make?PadawanAmy
3238General KnowledgeWhat was the original name of the Big Mac?PadawanAmy
3239General KnowledgeWhat letter starts the fewest words in the English language?PadawanAmy
3240General KnowledgeHow many lines are in a sonnet?PadawanAmy
3241General KnowledgeWhat is the capital city of Nigeria?PadawanAmy
3242General KnowledgeIn Shakespearean literature who was Othello's wife?PadawanAmy