Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
3288Jak and DaxterWhat are the main enemies in The Precursor Legacy?PadawanAmy
3289Jak and DaxterWhich character in Rock Village wears a barrel?PadawanAmy
3290Jak and DaxterWhere does the Dead Mans Gorge race take place?PadawanAmy
3291Jak and DaxterWhich eco lets Jak shoot fireballs?PadawanAmy
3292Jak and DaxterWhich type of Eco is used by Jak to open things such as doors?PadawanAmy
3293Jak and DaxterWho is the leader of the Metal Heads?PadawanAmy
3294Jak and DaxterWhat is the name of the Underwater location in The Precursor Legacy?PadawanAmy
3295Jak and DaxterWhere did the Red Eco Sage live?PadawanAmy
3296Jak and DaxterWhat colour eco makes Jak stronger?PadawanAmy
3297Jak and DaxterWhat job does Daxter get when he arrives in Haven City?PadawanAmy
3298Jak and DaxterWhat is the name of the swamp location in The Precursor Legacy?PadawanAmy
3299Jak and DaxterWhat boss do you fight after Rock Village?PadawanAmy
3300Jak and DaxterAfter Rock Village's defender The Warrior was defeated, what was his nickname?PadawanAmy
3301Jak and DaxterHow many pounds does a Green fish weigh?PadawanAmy
3302Jak and DaxterHow many pounds does a yellow fish weigh?PadawanAmy