Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
343General KnowledgeWhich fashion designer was shot dead in the summer of 1997?PadawanAmy
344General KnowledgeAs what type of beans are chickpeas, also known as?PadawanAmy
345General KnowledgeGalileo was the citizen of which country?PadawanAmy
346General KnowledgeWhich country is the largest producer of vanilla?PadawanAmy
347General KnowledgeWho performs the character of Mark Zuckerberg in the movie “The Social Network”?PadawanAmy
348General KnowledgeWhat is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?PadawanAmy
349General KnowledgeWhat is the only metal that is a liquid at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature?PadawanAmy
350General KnowledgeWho was the only US President to resign?PadawanAmy
351General KnowledgeIn which city did Hitler commit suicide?PadawanAmy
352General KnowledgeIn ancient Greece, throwing an apple at someone was a declaration of what?PadawanAmy
353General KnowledgeWho wrote songs for The Lion King?PadawanAmy
354General KnowledgeWhat is the real first name of Marilyn Monroe?PadawanAmy
355General KnowledgeWhat country has the most vending machines per capita?PadawanAmy
356General KnowledgeWhat’s the most populous city in the United States?PadawanAmy
357General KnowledgeWhich fruit floats because 25% of its volume is air?PadawanAmy